Proposal Management
Humanize your quotations document with Audio, Video & text narration
Contract Management
Secure and e-sign your Audio, Video enabled contracts
Payment Management
Send, track & collect bill payments with insta alerts when the doc was viewed & read
eSignature Management
Get all your documents securely signed online anytime, anywhere on any device

effyDoc  your documents to win more deals

The most effective Document Management Platform

A secured, easy-to-use Online Document Management system
that handles all your business documentation, approvals, payments & more

Proposal Management
Humanize your quotations document with Audio, Video & text narration

Build 'Humanized' Proposals

Stop sending dead lifeless documents, Humanize it with your live Video or audio or even text narration on each page to explain finer points of the proposals. Impress your clients with a different proposal viewing experience and make your proposal to really stand out from the crowd.

Branded Landing Page

Users will be directed to your personalised landing page both your company logo and branding. It will also show details of the sender, his profile pic & contact details.

Send and Track

Send your proposals to single or multiple recipients and decide the date and time you want them to view it. Track the mail closely to plan your future course of action. Get instantly notified when someone opens the mail containing the proposal, when they are viewing the proposal document, signing the proposal or when someone whom they have forwarded to have opened and viewed.

Close Faster with Electronic Signatures

Forget the hassles of getting copies signed, scanned, mailed to clients and get the same from their end. Get all your proposals signed with effyDoc’s easy-to- use, secure, and legally binding electronic signatures.
Contract Management
Secure and e-sign your Audio, Video
enabled contracts

Build 'Humanized' Contracts

Humanize your contracts with your live Video or audio or text narration added on each page to explain finer points of your contracts. Impress your clients with a different contract viewing experience and make your proposal to really stand out from the crowd.

Dates & Reminders

Forgetting to renew your Contract is the thing of the past with effyDoc’s Contract Management solution. Set Start date and Contract end dates with reminders to notify you about it.


Generally all contract discussions involve multiple stakeholders who could be in different geographic locations too. effyDoc’s collaboration feature inside the solution allows all stakeholders to collaborate, share comments and even sign for approvals all in the same document. Every member is also instantly notified on the action taken and action needed from them.

Send & Track

Send your proposals to single or multiple recipients and decide the date and time you want them to view it. Track the mail closely to plan your future course of action. Get instantly notified when someone opens the mail containing the proposal, when they are viewing the proposal document, signing the proposal or when someone whom they have forwarded to have opened and viewed.

Close Faster with Electronic Signatures

Forget the hassles of getting copies signed, scanned, mailed to clients and get the same from their end. Get all your proposals signed with effyDoc’s easy-to- use, secure, and legally binding electronic signatures.
Payment Management
Send, track & collect bill payments with insta alerts when the doc was viewed & read

Build 'Humanized' Invoice

Stop sending boring invoices to clients. Add a human touch to your invoice with your live video, audio or text narration. Make your invoice stand out from all the other invoices reaching the Finance professional.

Link your Payment Receiver

You can collect payments either using our Payment Gateway or link your back account or add your Paypal account or you can even directly add your Payment gateway. Multiple payment receiving options which will ensure a smooth, easy-to-use process for your clients.

Acknowledgement with Electronic Signatures

Get invoice receipt acknowledgement by getting electronic signatures from clients. Saves the time, efforts & cost of sending someone or courier to get the document.

One click Payment

Embed the Pay Now widget on your invoice to allow a 1-click way of Clients paying the invoice.

Send & Track

Mail the invoice and track the complete activity linked to the invoice which is Invoice mail open, invoice document viewing, pages viewed, number of times viewed, who all viewed to even getting notified when someone clicks the signature or payment widget.
eSignature Management
Get all your documents securely signed online anytime, anywhere on any device

Upload, Send & Track signatures

Upload document of any format, humanise it if needed, add signature widget, send it for signature to get approvals or to accept agreement.

Quick and Secure

Quickly and securely access and document for signature. Easily upload and send documents for others to sign. Send reminders and check signing status any time.

Secure & Legally Binding

eSignatures are secure and legally binding. They are compliant with both UETA and the Federal ESIGN Act, Its also recognized by many countries worldwide ( check the list of countries ).

Device & Browser Compatibility

effyDoc’s cloud-based signature feature works on all browsers and devices. You can sign it anytime and from anywhere you are.

Signing Sequence

Set a document signing sequence for multiple document signing recipients. The document will reach each recipient as per sequence and after the signing is done by the previous recipient. Document and Signature Forwarding You can allow signing recipient to forward your document for signatures from other decision makers within their organization. They can also forward signed documents to others.

Build 'Humanized' Proposals

Stop sending dead,lifeless documents, Humanize it with your live Video or audio or even text narration on each page to explain finer points of the proposals. Impress your clients with a different proposal viewing experience and make your proposal to really stand out from the crowd.

Branded Landing Page

Users will be directed to your personalised landing page both your company logo and branding. It will also show details of the sender, his profile pic & contact details.

Send and Track

Send your proposals to single or multiple recipients and decide the date and time you want them to view it. Track the mail closely to plan your future course of action. Get instantly notified when someone opens the mail containing the proposal, when they are viewing the proposal document, signing the proposal or when someone whom they have forwarded to have opened and viewed.

Close Faster with Electronic Signatures

Forget the hassles of getting copies signed, scanned, mailed to clients and get the same from their end. Get all your proposals signed with effyDoc’s easy-to- use, secure, and legally binding electronic signatures.

Build 'Humanized' Contracts

Humanize your contracts with your live Video or audio or text narration added on each page to explain finer points of your contracts. Impress your clients with a different contract viewing experience and make your proposal to really stand out from the crowd.

Dates & Reminders

Forgetting to renew your Contract is the thing of the past with effyDoc’s Contract Management solution. Set Start date and Contract end dates with reminders to notify you about it.


Generally all contract discussions involve multiple stakeholders who could be in different geographic locations too. effyDoc’s collaboration feature inside the solution allows all stakeholders to collaborate, share comments and even sign for approvals all in the same document. Every member is also instantly notified on the action taken and action needed from them.

Send & Track

Send your proposals to single or multiple recipients and decide the date and time you want them to view it. Track the mail closely to plan your future course of action. Get instantly notified when someone opens the mail containing the proposal, when they are viewing the proposal document, signing the proposal or when someone whom they have forwarded to have opened and viewed.

Close Faster with Electronic Signatures

Forget the hassles of getting copies signed, scanned, mailed to clients and get the same from their end. Get all your proposals signed with effyDoc’s easy-to- use, secure, and legally binding electronic signatures.

Build 'Humanized' Invoice

Stop sending boring invoices to clients. Add a human touch to your invoice with your live video, audio or text narration. Make your invoice stand out from all the other invoices reaching the Finance professional.

Link your Payment Receiver

You can collect payments either using our Payment Gateway or link your back account or add your Paypal account or you can even directly add your Payment gateway. Multiple payment receiving options which will ensure a smooth, easy-to-use process for your clients.

Acknowledgement with Electronic Signatures

Get invoice receipt acknowledgement by getting electronic signatures from clients. Saves the time, efforts & cost of sending someone or courier to get the document.

One click Payment

Embed the Pay Now widget on your invoice to allow a 1-click way of Clients paying the invoice.

Send & Track

Mail the invoice and track the complete activity linked to the invoice which is Invoice mail open, invoice document viewing, pages viewed, number of times viewed, who all viewed to even getting notified when someone clicks the signature or payment widget.

Upload, Send & Track signatures

Upload document of any format, humanise it if needed, add signature widget, send it for signature to get approvals or to accept agreement.

Quick and Secure

Quickly and securely access and document for signature. Easily upload and send documents for others to sign. Send reminders and check signing status any time.

Secure & Legally Binding

eSignatures are secure and legally binding. They are compliant with both UETA and the Federal ESIGN Act, Its also recognized by many countries worldwide ( check the list of countries ).

Device & Browser Compatibility

effyDoc’s cloud-based signature feature works on all browsers and devices. You can sign it anytime and from anywhere you are.

Signing Sequence

Set a document signing sequence for multiple document signing recipients. The document will reach each recipient as per sequence and after the signing is done by the previous recipient. Document and Signature Forwarding You can allow signing recipient to forward your document for signatures from other decision makers within their organization. They can also forward signed documents to others.

Build 'Humanized' Invoice

Stop sending boring invoices to clients. Add a human touch to your invoice with your live video, audio or text narration. Make your invoice stand out from all the other invoices reaching the Finance professional.

Link your Payment Receiver

You can collect payments either using our Payment Gateway or link your back account or add your Paypal account or you can even directly add your Payment gateway. Multiple payment receiving options which will ensure a smooth, easy-to-use process for your clients.

Acknowledgement with Electronic Signatures

Get invoice receipt acknowledgement by getting electronic signatures from clients. Saves the time, efforts & cost of sending someone or courier to get the document.

One click Payment

Embed the Pay Now widget on your invoice to allow a 1-click way of Clients paying the invoice.

Send & Track

Mail the invoice and track the complete activity linked to the invoice which is Invoice mail open, invoice document viewing, pages viewed, number of times viewed, who all viewed to even getting notified when someone clicks the signature or payment widget.

Upload, Send & Track signatures

Upload document of any format, humanise it if needed, add signature widget, send it for signature to get approvals or to accept agreement.

Quick and Secure

Quickly and securely access and document for signature. Easily upload and send documents for others to sign. Send reminders and check signing status any time.

Secure & Legally Binding

eSignatures are secure and legally binding. They are compliant with both UETA and the Federal ESIGN Act, Its also recognized by many countries worldwide ( check the list of countries ).

Device & Browser Compatibility

effyDoc’s cloud-based signature feature works on all browsers and devices. You can sign it anytime and from anywhere you are.

Signing Sequence

Set a document signing sequence for multiple document signing recipients. The document will reach each recipient as per sequence and after the signing is done by the previous recipient. Document and Signature Forwarding You can allow signing recipient to forward your document for signatures from other decision makers within their organization. They can also forward signed documents to others.

How to effyDoc in minutes ?

The Intelligence in effyDoc

Operate with a sixth sense

Get instant alerts on when your mail is opened, clicked and get analytics on time spent on the mail and the location from where it was viewed. You can also track if your document was forwarded and details of the document viewed, time etc

Follow up smartly

effyDoc's intelligent analytics tool will let you know exactly what happened to your document whom to follow up with and who can be ignored & all this in real time.

Track your document

Know who read your documents, time spent on which page and whom did they share it with. Understand your prospects engagement and transform the way you sell forever

Empower your team and effy-up your sales now
Get Beta Invite

A product by effyBiz Inc.